Learn about us
Dare to Explore with Desertaraouane Agency
Desertaraouane is a tour guide in Morocco trusted by many clients and has a reputation for the best travel guide services in the field. We are Desertaraouane Tourism and transport agency in Ouarzazate Morocco. Trips, experiences, and places. All in one service. Desertaraouane Team is happy to serve you and help you discover Morocco and all its Desert. Welcome to Desertaraouane Desert Araouane is a tourism agency that can provide you with all the touristic information about Morocco. Thanks to our experience in this area of tourism and the testimony of everyone we are very happy to be in your leadership to visit the most beautiful places in Morocco.
We are a very experienced professional team in making customers very happy. With our team of travel guides, you will discover all the beautiful scenery in Morocco, whether in the mountains, the sea, or the desert.
Amazing tours
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Happy customers
Professional people
Meet The Team
Guide / Driver, Founder
Travel Manager
Customer Reviews
“This was an amazing trip! There were so many highlights... our outstanding, kind, patient, amazing leader Gustavo!! What an absolute saint. He was so organized and”
Melisa Joan H.
New York, USA
"Needless to say we are extremely satisfied with the results. Booking tour was the best investment I ever made. Nice work on your booking tour. Booking tour impressed."
Roselin D.
New York, USA
"Great job, I will definitely be ordering again! After using booking tour my business skyrocketed! Man, this thing is getting better and better as I learn more about it. "
Cleveland A.
New York, USA